Welcome to MY WORLD

i love justin bieber, follow me on twitter @sexythangbieber, this blog is all about me, my obsession w JB, school, my friends and crushes and basically my life

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Isn't he soooooooo hot????!!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

next weekend...

Next weekend i take off for ATL. i'm going 4 a week but that's the only thing i've done this summer but come august i have a bunch of plans.  but right now i'm babysitting my lil cousin. she's watching me type this


  1. Kelly Mcbride (mhome skillet chicken biscuit)July 20, 2010 at 2:17 PM

    Cairee i miss u sooo much I can't find your nubbier cuz I lost it so pleez email me at music.luva.k@gmail.com!!!!!!

  2. I ment I lost your number!!!!!
