Welcome to MY WORLD

i love justin bieber, follow me on twitter @sexythangbieber, this blog is all about me, my obsession w JB, school, my friends and crushes and basically my life

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Isn't he soooooooo hot????!!!!

My Faves

A monthly updated page about my favorite things.

as of june 15th, 2010
fave t.v. show(s): Pretty Little Liars, family matters, tiny and toya, and the hills and city, and downtown girls.
fave movie(s): ratatoulie, twilight saga
fave song(s): Billionare, crazy man, over board, breakeven
fave artist(s): the ryan corn band, Justin Bieber, Travvie McCoy, Bruno Mars, The Script
fave food(s): tater tots, popcorn, pizza

 c ya later luviess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!