Welcome to MY WORLD

i love justin bieber, follow me on twitter @sexythangbieber, this blog is all about me, my obsession w JB, school, my friends and crushes and basically my life

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Isn't he soooooooo hot????!!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

pics of....

random stuff\
this is a pic of me and my lil cousin kiki. she does everything i do, which is visible in the picture.

My new friends

Trysh, Harrison, and Hanna. They all go to my mom's school. Tomorrow me and trysh are going to the movies and the mall. they're all really awesome. this is our last week together but i'll visit them. trysh is really tall. she's 5'9 and a half and she's my age! Hanna and Harrison are both shorter than me.

new crush

His name is Daniel but everybody calls him Dan. He's so cute and tall. He's going to 8th grade which makes him a year older than me. He goees to my mom's school so my mom knows him. She's all, "he's a really good kid." But i always like the good guys for some reason. Do you like bad boys/girls or good boys/girls? who knows he could be my summer love and maybe more... truth and time tell all


Friday, July 23, 2010

My all time fave video on Youtube is...

Ownage asian prank calls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're so awesome and they're super hilars. I watched one today where he called a hotline and pretended he had a husband who raped him. me+my cousin were cracking up like crazy.

Procrastinate too much???

i know i do. i always sayh i'll clean my room tomorrow. i usually end up doing it but i always put it off til the next day. it seems weird cuz i never really noticed it. i always thought i was doing good making sure i did it the next day.

I'll see ya later.

countdown til Atlanta!

8 days! i'm so bored but i'm about to go get pizza with my dad cuz my mom went out. my life is so boring right now. All i do is go 2 summer school and zumba. i swear to god my house is infested with flies cuz my dad just killed his 3rd one 2day. They keep buzzing in my ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

next weekend...

Next weekend i take off for ATL. i'm going 4 a week but that's the only thing i've done this summer but come august i have a bunch of plans.  but right now i'm babysitting my lil cousin. she's watching me type this

Not going 2 summer school

i'm not going to summer school 2day bcuz my mom has a long meeting and she has 2 get her hair done

Saturday, July 17, 2010

can't wait to get back to school!!!!!!!

No not for the learning all you nerdy dumb butts out there but for my friends! all my contacts were erased cuz i spilt a bottle of water on my other one so i can't wait to see who started dating over the summer cuz i think its somebody who we never expected to get a date& a couple we never thought would happen.


changed the name of my blog but theURL is still the same

only a couple more weeks!

well only 2 more weeks til i go to ATL! i'm excited to be going by myself! It's gonna be so fun cuz i get to see my old friend trevor! he's so cute

Saturday, July 10, 2010

my crazy moment!!!!

today it was pouring rain and i decided to go dance in the rain. my mom told me 2 get out the rain but i was still doing the jerk and he cupid shuffle. so anyways i got a new phhone and all my contacts were erased. so if ur one of my good friends and reading this text me ur #.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

right now i'm listening to...

the Jonas Brothers' "When you look me in the eyes" i have always lovd JB but not as much as before.They're old news to me but i still respect them!

hope ya had a safe holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope everyone had a safe holiday, ate a lot of great of food, and had an amazing time with you fam! i know i did. i spent the 4th with my ex-bf so it was a little wierd but i think the feelings for him came back because i cant wait to see him again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know if he has another girlfriend but if he does she a very lucky girl cuz he's amazing. he's cute, sweet, funny, and has great style. he's here for the summer but has to work so that suxxs:(