Welcome to MY WORLD

i love justin bieber, follow me on twitter @sexythangbieber, this blog is all about me, my obsession w JB, school, my friends and crushes and basically my life

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Isn't he soooooooo hot????!!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Ok so i met this really hot boy named Matt on twitter. he's the most AH-mazing boy ever!!!!! he's hot sweet hot nice has an amazing body and did i mention hot. He says the sweetest things to me. OMG im crushing HARD!!!!!! He's pretty awesome. He actually told me i made his whole life. *AAAAAWWWWWWWW* i SWEAR he's the hottest guy to walk Earth after Justin Bieber(husband), Ryan Butler(boyfriend), and Christian Beadles(friend with benefits)

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