Welcome to MY WORLD

i love justin bieber, follow me on twitter @sexythangbieber, this blog is all about me, my obsession w JB, school, my friends and crushes and basically my life

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Isn't he soooooooo hot????!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Listening to...

some Kid Cudi. he's pretty cool

new blog

i have another blog. its on tumblr and the website is 042698csc.tumblr.com but its called omgitscairee as well

school kicks ass!!

all my homework from this quarter is catching up!!!!! FML its too much. ive been so tired this past week Its horrible!!!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


MATT'S  MY TWITTER BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!! previously it was a crush but we'd decided to be twitter bf/gf which means we're always talking on twitter. He's amazing but i gotta go.

Chuck e Cheese invite!!!!!

ok all you party animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ppl who go 2 PPMS after school on thurs. (10:37 release) everybody's going to Chuck e Cheese on HWY 100. im jus t kidding but im going with a group of friends and everybody else can come

Came to the realization that.....

IM FRIENDS WITH EVERYBODY!!!!!! im friends with all the girls named abby in my grade i have to give them nicknames. Abby B. (abbycaddabby), Abby Gr. (Abs), & Abby Gu. (Abigail). Idk why i jus tfigured this out. i'm friends with people who are more popular than me and less popular than me.

Ryan Butler is my BOYFRIEND!!!!!!

OMGOMGOMGOMOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ryan is so amazingly sweet and hot. He's so crazy i love him to death. he can makee any girl fall in love though. He wants to be a director when he's older and i want to be an actress but we know those relationships NEVER last. but he's amazing and mine!!!! so back off BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok so i met this really hot boy named Matt on twitter. he's the most AH-mazing boy ever!!!!! he's hot sweet hot nice has an amazing body and did i mention hot. He says the sweetest things to me. OMG im crushing HARD!!!!!! He's pretty awesome. He actually told me i made his whole life. *AAAAAWWWWWWWW* i SWEAR he's the hottest guy to walk Earth after Justin Bieber(husband), Ryan Butler(boyfriend), and Christian Beadles(friend with benefits)


Our school has been getting a lot of new kids and my horoscope says i'll have a crushh on a new boy @ school. All the new kids are girls. ummmmm ewwww. Maybe we'll get a hot new boy. but if hes black. ummmmm so over him!