Welcome to MY WORLD

i love justin bieber, follow me on twitter @sexythangbieber, this blog is all about me, my obsession w JB, school, my friends and crushes and basically my life

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Isn't he soooooooo hot????!!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

This is my one hundreth post!!!!!

Shoutout to all my friends, whose names shall be unknown because i'm friends with EVERYBODY!!! i'm only posting today because i'm at my mom's school and she let me use the computer. I have to say school sucks but at least i get to see my friends. I have like no new crushes. i likee nobody well except all my friends. i must say i'm going crazy!!!! i think its cuz i just had alot of sugar so yippeeee!!!!! before i came to ma mere's school i was at the dentist. i have to get braces :( but the good things is i get the, out right before i go to high schooll. WHOOO-HOOOO!!!!! my ortho said i have almost perfect teeth and no cavaties!!!! okay so i'm going to write another post now byeas!!!!

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