Welcome to MY WORLD

i love justin bieber, follow me on twitter @sexythangbieber, this blog is all about me, my obsession w JB, school, my friends and crushes and basically my life

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Isn't he soooooooo hot????!!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Justin Bieber in Milwaukee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay, so yesterday i saw Justin Bieber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my bieber he is sooooooo fine! he got down on his knees and i almost fell out my chair! then in every concert he gives a girl a dozen roses and serenades her and gives her a hug. He chose some fugly girl and i got mad and i was all i should throw  my shoe at ou cuz that should be me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways i will always love Justin and look forward to more amazing music from him!

Monday, June 21, 2010

loving summer!!!

I'm loving summer so far! i haven't been anywhere yet but soon i will. But it sucks because i start summer school in a week. who the f*ck goes to summer school

Saturday, June 19, 2010

this weekend...

i hope everyone has lots of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and go see Toy Story 3!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


gotta get off the internet so i'll c ya later luviess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Byeas!
btw im babysitting tomorrow so i might not update!

A lil nugget of truth&inspiration

Instead of God how big your problems are, tell your problems how big your God is

justin bieber is U.G.L.Y.

JUSTIN BIEBER IS U.G.L.Y.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HE'S UNIQUE.GORGEOUS.LOVEABLE.YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN YOUR FACE HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

made some changes!!!!

ok so sometimes change is good. like when i change my blog around. it looks awesome. i'd lovee to hear what you guys think!

another new fave artist

Mike Posner!!!! he's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i heart his song cooler than me!!! its fun to dance to! you can listen to a part of cooler than me on the music part of my blog

new fave artists

the ryan corn band!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! theyre awesome. i just put thwm on my ipod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

soo bored

since summer started ive done nothing but eat, sleep, shop, text, watch tv, and work out. im sooo bored though. I have to go to summer school. who the fuck goes to summer school????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

yeah whatever

Ben for one thing you are gay. Even if you do have a girlfriend. Cuz if you aren't gay then you're a tool+fag that's 4 sure. And Kelsey is awesome. She's nice 4 helping me realize what douchebag you are. So thanks Kelsey + Fuck you ben.

Monday, June 7, 2010

for those

For those who are my true friends thank you for being there even when I was a total bitch.
While the rest of you backstabbing bitches who talk about me behind my back are faker than heidi montags boobs. So what if I'm fat I still have feelings.
For the ppl I hate I just hate you even more than before.

Tell him...

tell him I hate him. Tell him I never want to see him again. Tell him I never loved him. But don't tell him I'm crying as I'm saying/writing this.

This is 4 you. You know who you are and you broke my heart so this is goodbye.
For my crush.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Justin Bieber. concert

i'm taking my cousin latanza 2 the jb concert w me!!! she's a huge belieber like me so she HAS to come! so tell me if ur going. im makin shirts w my bestie marquayla

this weekend...

I stayed at the grand geneva in lake geneva. It was so fun. There were horse stables there so you could ride them but I didn't get a chance to. There was the spa... I got a facial! So my pores are fresh and open as we speak... I mean type/read

only 4 more days!!!

I only have more more days of school left. Yup, that's right but I have a bunch of stuff to do @school.
C ya later luvies!

now that's a shock

Chance Crawford arrested! Omg. The guy was with weed! I luv luv luv him as Nate Archibal on GG. He has always been hot but that mug shot is scary!!!! ;(

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

so many things to do so little time

i have tests, friggen medival day (wtf), over 300 emails to go through, and on top of all that i need to clean my room!  luckily i have ,y friends to help me.

justin bieber

As everyone knows i'm a huge belieber (aka justin bieber believer) so i'm so sad because twitter won't let Justin Bieber trend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss looking at all of my followers tweets about the usher prodigy.

5 more days!!!!

only 5 more days for me luvies!!! then i want to have a sleepover with my friends. cuz school is gonna be out!